FMC Piston Pumps

Pumps and Accessories is the sole distributor of FMC piston pumps in Southern Africa. FMC Technologies offers a complete line of piston pumps (bean pumps) in sizes ranging from 3 to 450 HP, achieving pressures to 3 000 psi (207 bar) and flows to 905 gpm (3 168 lpm). FMC Technologies’ bean piston pumps deliver outstanding value and performance for various applications.

The FMC piston pumps design continues its tradition of putting customers first and keeping them ahead with engineered solutions. The bean pump lowers the overall cost of pump ownership for our partners’ customers by developing a win-win strategy. It is designed to increase performance with fewer wearable items. Continuing on this theme to lower overall operating pump cost, FMC Technologies has increased the FMC piston pumps’ volumetric efficiency, material components, and front access of the fluid chambers. The “HVE” feature increases the pump’s priming characteristic without increasing the size of the feed pump, which may lead to increased costs.

Increases in component technology have enhanced the FMC piston pump product line. By working directly with its partners, FMC Technologies has customised the pump’s component technology and serviceability to meet its customers’ requirements. The customisation in component technology per application increases the hours of operation per component. The design of the pump’s front piston cover provides quick access to allow for a decrease in time to service. This combination of technology and design has increased our partners’ uptime while decreasing their downtime, life cycle cost, and cost of pump ownership.

Please click on a pump model number in the table below for additional information.

Model Max Max Max Cast Ductile NiAlBz Carbon Alloy Stainless Exotic
PSI GPM BHP Iron Iron NiAl Steel Steel Steel
A04 850 9.0 3.2 x x
I04 850 9.0 3.2 x x
E04 850 19 7.0 x x
L06 1,000 39 18 x x
L09 1,200 29 14 x
W11 1,000 53 36 x
L11 2,500 75 52 x x x x
L16 2,500 114 87 x x x x
M08 3,000 77 45 x x x x x
M12 3,000 138 77 x x x x
M14 3,000 213 104 x x x x x x
M16 3,000 351 142 x x x x x x
M18 3,000 372 190 x x x x x x
Q16 3,000 620 325 x x x x x x
Q18 3,000 620 325 x x x x x x
M28 3,000 837 440 x x x x x
Q28 3,000 1395 800 x x x x x
Q32 3,000 1594 1000 x x x x x
M40 3,000 948 1833 x x x x
Q40 3,000 1580 3056 x x x x


Contact us today to learn more about our FMC piston pump offers. Alternatively, please browse our website to find the appropriate pump solution for your needs