FMC Plunger Pumps

Pumps and Accessories are the sole distributors of the FMC range of pumps in Southern Africa. FMC Technologies customized this 10,000 psi (690 bar) blowout preventer plunger pump skid for offshore oil and gas applications.

FMC Technologies’ plunger pumps are chosen for the most demanding applications due to their high quality, ease of service, pump longevity and low cost of ownership. Extremely versatile, FMC Technologies’ plunger pumps can be readily adapted for optimum performance within a wide range of markets and service conditions.

The plunger pump product line can be customized to operate at pressures in excess of 10,000 psi (690 bar), flows up to 1,594 gpm (6,034 lpm), and temperatures to 400 F (204 C). Depending on the application, the pump’s fluid ends can be equipped in ductile iron, carbon steel, aluminum bronze, duplex stainless steel, and other high end materials. All pumps have been carefully designed with oversized bearings and heavy-duty components to provide years of operational life.

The heavy-duty designs, engineering, reliable craftsmanship, component customization and pumping experience has helped FMC Technologies’ partners deliver value and performance on the global stage.

Partners and customers continue to look at FMC Technologies’ pumps first to provide them real life solutions for their real life problems. FMC Technologies’ commitment to detail continues to lead the industry for reciprocating plunger pump applications.

Please click on a pump model number in the table below for additional information.

Model Max Max Max Cast Ductile NiAlBz Carbon Alloy Stainless Exotic
PSI GPM BHP Iron Iron NiAl Steel Steel Steel
A04 850 9.0 3.2 x x
I04 850 9.0 3.2 x x
E04 850 19 7.0 x x
L06 1,000 39 18 x x
L09 1,200 29 14 x
W11 1,000 53 36 x
L11 2,500 75 52 x x x x
L16 2,500 114 87 x x x x
M08 3,000 77 45 x x x x x
M12 3,000 138 77 x x x x
M14 3,000 213 104 x x x x x x
M16 3,000 351 142 x x x x x x
M18 3,000 372 190 x x x x x x
Q16 3,000 620 325 x x x x x x
Q18 3,000 620 325 x x x x x x
M28 3,000 837 440 x x x x x
Q28 3,000 1395 800 x x x x x
Q32 3,000 1594 1000 x x x x x
M40 3,000 948 1833 x x x x
Q40 3,000 1580 3056 x x x x
